DroidBuilders UK

Uniting all droid builders.

Glynn Turner

By: Rob Howdle

Droid (s): R2-PHT, R2-D2, BD-1, 39.1% ALT(FLASH)

How long have you been a part of a Droid Building Community?

6 years

What are your current build? (Droid, Materials etc)

Currently finishing a BD-1 and upgrading electronics to my main Droids.

What made you want to build a droid in the first place?

As a cabinet maker/bench joiner by trade, I had changed jobs which involved fitting only and no ‘making’. After about a year of this and at an age where a hobby is a better idea than the alternatives, and as a huge star wars fan from the moment my Dad took me to see the movie in ‘77, I decided on building R2-D2. “How hard can it be?’ I thought

What future plans do you have for your droid? Constantly upgrading? Show piece? Events droid?

I found very quickly after my first droid was ‘finished’ that the maintenance and upgrading is an ongoing thing.I mainly take my droids to events such as comic cons and try to raise money for the clubs charity when possible.

Do you have plans to build more droids? If so which one (s)?

I have a 3rd droid which is meant to be a ‘Kenny R2’ although the pull to make this into a new droid is strong!

Do you have any more droids? If so what other droids do you have either complete or WIP/ planning stages?

My main droids are R2-D2 and R2-PHT. PHT has alternative R6 and R5 domes

What are some of the challenges you have faced during your build?

Electronics beyond the basics has been and still is a bit of a struggle for me, but I’m quite happy with basic. Less to go wrong.

Do you have a ‘proudest moment’? If so what would that be (could be from the build itself or an event)

Getting my first droid passed for its very first safety test was the first moment, but for me it really has to be strolling round a Corellian spaceport with my droid, which was named after my father who introduced me to the world of Star Wars. Wish he could have seen it!

What is the most important piece of advise you would give to any new builder?

Something I have been guilty of myself is either making or painting a part which you know yourself isn’t quite good enough, but installing it anyway. You will see it forever even if no one else does! Spend the extra hour, day, month to get it the best you can.


Instagram: @r2_pht