DroidBuilders UK

Uniting all droid builders.

The Final Leg…

By: Giles Redpath

We have all made an amazing contribution to our 2020 charity and so we are on the final leg to reach our goal and have some fun on the way. Please see details from today’s broadcast below in how you can help- www.droidbuilders.uk/live

October Update – https://youtu.be/EZ-iNXHZXc4

2021 Holiday Special Raffle – Use this link and ensure you leave your name so we can add you to the Raffle in December. Cost is £1/$1/E1 per entry – www.droidbuilders.uk/raffle . Taster of the prizes is below;

2021 Droidbuilders UK Calendar https://droidbuilders.uk/product/2021-db-calendar/

The Sam & Lee and a cup of Tea Sticker – https://droidbuilders.uk/product/sam-and-lee-and-a-cup-of-tea-sticker/

The Sam Calendarhttps://droidbuilders.uk/product/2021-sam-calendar/

The Holiday Special Stickerhttps://droidbuilders.uk/product/holiday-special-sticker/

A big thank you to Nik and Mike for their help with these amazing merch items.

Add to your order with our fine selection of Merchandise. Profits of selected items go to our chosen charity.