DroidBuilders UK

Uniting all droid builders.

Droid Builders Events Portal

By: Mark Leigh

All events that we are attending are now listed in the Droid Builders Events section of the droidbuilders.uk portal.


If your interested in attending an event, please register your interest via the portal – when you sign up you will be given the option to confirm your attendance or register your interest that you maybe attending.

You will also be asked if your attending with a droid or as a spotter.

For Multi Day events each day will be listed individually please ensure you sign up for the correct day.

Unless otherwise stated sign ups will close 1 month before the date of the event to allow us to agree the number attending with the organiser.

All droids attending events must have been cleared and have a current MOT to ensure your protected by the clubs PLI.

For Information regarding Events please feel free to get in touch.


For issues with the Portal please contact Darren Poulson.