DroidBuilders UK

Uniting all droid builders.

Droid Builders UK Live Show 2021

By: Darren Poulson

Once again we are taking our Droid Builders UK show Live on the interwebs due to some global pandemic thing. This year our chosen charity is to help out with Motor Neurone Disease which has sadly stricken one of our members in the last couple of years.

Join Sam and Lee for fun, interviews, competitions, and tutorials on the 22nd August.

You can enter the raffle here:


View the prizes here

And we also have some charity auctions running, due to end on the 22nd August during the live show.


Not only that, the awesome Dave Moog at Droid Division has designed a 3d printable IT-O interrogator droid with all proceeds going to the charity.

And of course we have a new track for the Virtual 39.1% racing:


So come and join us live to help us round up some money for charity! Hopefully next year we will be back to meeting in person with the R2 driving course and the real League 39.1%. However, we will continue posting videos to our YouTube page, so make sure to Subscribe!