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R2-D2 wedding attendance

By: James Feurtado

September 17th was a special day. It was mine and Mike’s first time attending a wedding with the droids.

Mike with his R2-D2 & me with R5.

The event was in Clevedon, and the sunshine was out. Our attendance wasn’t a surprise for the couple who had requested R2’s appearance, but was for their guests lol.

The ring box was attached to Mike’s R2. His utility arms don’t open, which was part of my original idea to utilise servo control of the lid opening, but I was still be able to attach the strap.

Rather than struggle with entrance doors, steps etc, the droids were positioned at the sides of the isle at the rear.

The rings had been placed inside the box, and, when invited by the registrar, R2 rolled down the isle to deliver them. After the rings were removed, he then returned to his original position and waited till the end of the ceremony.
Afterwards, the droids escorted the wedded couple and guests, outside into the sunshine for photos etc.

We stayed for an hour outside before making a move to leave.
We had a great time and so did the wedding guests.
……thanks Mike 😂, it’s a glamorous job 😂