#SWDB23 @ Bristol’s Mshed
2023-07-09By: James Feurtado
Saturday 1st July, I arrived at Mike’s for 10:30am, where we were joined by Chris ‘C-3P0’ Williams, who had come down for the weekend.

We got to work stringing up banners, arranging tables and the displays, signs up, preparing the changing room for the MK Garrison, electrical, TV/video (same one as last year, as I hadn’t gotten around to creating a newer version). As well as chatting with people passing asking about the droids and the event lol.
With everything sorted, we called it a day about 5pm.
Sunday 2nd July:
Early start, day 2. I arrived at 7am, with Mike, Helen & Sara to get things organised. We had a bit more space inside this year, which helped to not make things TO crowded, allowing people to see more without bumping into others etc. The doors opened at 10am, passers-by were enticed in by the fantastic MK Garrison, with Chewy, Vader, Stormtroopers and more. Having two of our youngest members rolling their mini droids outside, was cool to watch.
Check out the day’s event on JamesR5D4 YouTube Channel here.
We had the droids lined up for easier viewing, some were out rolling around amongst the public. Our visiting Dalek & K7 of 9 were first in line lol.
Some were static, like this awesome BB-8.

To the left of the main display tables, we had my WED-15 droid & GOUD-4 messenger droid, next to that was Nik’s pit droid and Mike’s R2-DeWalt 😆.

Behind the table we had Nik’s awesome K-2SO static droid! (see next picture).

On the table we had my R4 dome, Marina’s DO droid & Rex [3D printed WIP], Jamie’s TPU 3D printed tracks, Emma’s L0-LA (toy) droid, Oliver’s interactive Rex as well as Nik’s L0-LA [3D printed] droid & on the end was Mike’s pit droid.
Behind the table we had the TV screen, still playing the older video of past events (an updated on is on the way lol).

As well as trading cards, stickers, leaflets for the club and flyers for Stars of Time’s August event.
From the start the event was busy, with loads of people flooding in [no pun intended, with us being on the harbourside lol]. Some of the droids started to come alive and entertained the kids and adults alike lol.

The MK Garrison were mostly outside catching passers-by and entertaining people coming in.

R2‘s usually steal the show, but the other droids did grab people’s interests.

Droids have to have MOT’s which covers them for insurance. I, being the South West region’s inspector, get to check and renew and issue, Droid MOT’s. I carried out three plus an initial inspection, one with the assistance of Oliver & Lee, before I had to carry out one for this orange ‘prequal’ R2 unit, built by Lee T.

The table top display droids kept people entertained, especially Oliver’s interactive R-3X. The stalls were doing well with lots of items up for grabs, and later in the day, the Sun eventually made an appearance, which drew more crowds.

With donated items, Mark & Clare, sorted out the raffle/lucky dip, with some great items for people to win. Thanks to those who donated them and also to everyone who had a go.
The day flew by, probably due to the constant amount of people, so you didn’t notice things getting ‘quiet’. Plus, the chatting with people, answering questions, photos etc 😀, even signing a few autographs 😀
With my Brother down, I’d said that I wanted a picture with Lee, as Google’s facial recognition, can’t distinguish between us (me & Lee 😀 (good looks, stubble, glasses)) so it was going to have problems with us all together!

Lee had joked earlier, about the ‘toolboxes’ and that we should have a group photo of the builders stood behind them, lol, like below picture. We weren’t able to do it, but this was the next best thing….. which explains why mine wasn’t where I’d left it.

Before I knew it, it was final group photos time, droids, droids & builders, and droids with the MK Garrison.

before we had to start to pack everything up.

The event finished at 4pm,
with people still milling around as droids were being loaded up into their transports.
And finally, the thank yous:
- Emma for cakes.
- everyone who came down on the day to support us! #Bristol 😎
- everyone who brought along their droid(s)!
- everyone who helped out (with anything)!
- everyone who donated to the Make a Wish charity! (see previous link above)
Online donations to Make a Wish (not including mine on the Friday) to Si Nash at 5pm Sunday evening. Totalled £216.00 (not inc Gift Aid).
Oliver would be counting out the ‘cash’ donations and would update us once complete, but from what the collectors were telling us, they were overwhelmed by the generosity of donations!

Our first target was to reach £3000. This has now been increased, our next target is £5000
Mike is already look to next year’s event…… so, for updates, follow us here on our events page, Twitter, FB & YouTube, click the likes and subscribe as these help the algorithms and help spread the news via suggested links etc.