DroidBuilders UK

Uniting all droid builders.

DBUK 2024 Event Details.

By: Lee Towersey

Updated Mon 5th Aug 2024

Want to know more about Droid Building? Think about buying a weekend/day ticket for DBUK this Aug 16-18th

This is organised by Droid Builders for Droid Builders. We have taken the action of getting more people involved in organising each year to offer a wide variety of activities throughout the three days.

This image shows our first year at Harper Adams University which is a wonderful venue, offering ample display space, a lecture theatre, onsite catering, parking and accommodation.

Harper Adams – 2019

Activities currently planned for DBUK 2024

Ongoing Daily Activities:

  • Full Size Droid Racing around our purpose built timed course.
  • Mini Droid Racing competition using the Galaxies Edge Astromechs, 39.1% Droids and 90% MSE (or any other Mini Droid you would like to bring along to race).
  • Children’s Activities.
  • Event Merchandise.
  • Speed Trap! (Want to know how fast your droid can go?).
  • Weighbridge (This and the Speed Trap will help contribute towards the Topps Style Trading Cards we will be publishing after the event).
  • Droid Display Area – We encourage builders to bring as many of their droid building projects as possible. Whether it 3d Printed, Plastic, Wood, Aluminium or any other material, we love to see other peoples projects to get ideas, share tips and help with any problems Builders have with their projects. Finished or Not we want to see your projects.
  • Raffle (NEW)
  • Onsite catering & Bar on Saturday evening.
  • Onsite Accommodation.

Scheduled Events throughout the weekend:

Tickets and campus accomodation available here:


General setup from 12 for anyone that wants to attend, mingle and chat with ther builders. No planned activity apart from the evening meal at a local pub (short walk away):
https://droidbuilders.uk/2024/04/01/dbuk-2024-builders-meal/ All meal orders must be emailed by Sunday 30th June

9am onward – Arrival
10:30 Welcome chat
11:00-12:00 Droid Building basics
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Talk – Droid control systems
14:00-15:00 Droid racing in main room
15:00-16:30 Neal Scanlan talk in main threater (Neal’s availability is subject to filming), backup option is a pre-recorded video.
NOTE: Please do not request autographs from Neal, this is a Droid Building event and not an autograph one. Also no selfies, but will try to do a group photo with Neal after his chat.
PHOTO in main HALL (hopefully with Neal)
18:00-19:30 Food
Need to pay for the Sat evening meal here: https://droidbuilders.uk/product/saturday-evening-meal-for-dbuk2024/
20:00- Quiz (Brush up on your Star Wars knowledge)

10:00-11:00 Talk – Programming servos and animation
11:00-12:00 Nick Tyrrell talk in the main theatre. Nick is the designer for Pip on the Acolyte
NOTE: Autographs + selfies TBC. Like Neal, Nick’s availability may change due to filming.
12:00-13:00 Lunch
13:00-14:00 Talk – Intro to programming
14:00-16:00 Droid racing
PHOTO in main HALL
16:00- Packup


Available Merch

Exclusive DBUK2024 Patch  – https://droidbuilders.uk/product/dbuk2024-collectors-patch/

Exclusive Event T shirt – https://droidbuilders-uk.creator-spring.com/listing/dbuk-2024

Exclusive SWAG pack – https://droidbuilders.uk/product/dbuk2024-11to100

As above head of Creature Effects at Pinewood, Neal Scanlan will be doing a talk (subject to filming):

Neal would absolutely love to be involved and plans to attend on Saturday 17th August. This will be an exclusive chat with Neal for those attending DBUK. We are looking for questions you would like to ask Neal prior to the event so we can structure this in the best possible way. Those attending DBUK 2024 with questions for Neal, please email them to admin@droidbuilders.uk. (Try and make it a bit more original than job requests!).

This is most of the attendees from our last event at Harper Adams University. Why not come and help increase the numbers further for a fun filled weekend? Come chat, learn & laugh with fellow builders.

Harper Adams – 2022

You can find all the ticket details here: Get them while you can!

Oliver has also posted a History of the event over the years and how it’s grown: R2UK/DBUK – DroidBuilders UK