#SWDB24 Droids @ Bristol’s Mshed
2024-07-16By: James Feurtado
It was that time of year again, the Droid Builders invaded Bristol, for our now annual, summer event.

This was our fourth event, our biggest attended by Builders and also by the public.
Saturday 6th July saw Mike Berry, Chris Williams & eventually, ………. James Feurtado, arrive early to set up everything, ready for the big day.

Chris & Mike……. waiting, I wasn’t THAT late…
Sunday 7th July, arriving early [7:15am] to organise things was Mike with Helen (& family) & James. The outside advertising boards were put out at strategic locations to catch the most foot traffic. An area just to the side of the Museum, allowed easy access for unloading, and parking had been kindly been made available for us.
www.PodPadStudios.com‘s Mr & Mrs Maker, arrived early doors to unload T1-FNY.

26/27 Droid Club members signed up, four were ‘spotters’ these are helpers of droids being driven. They help keep the public in check lol whilst the operator, operates.
Event Begins:
The door was slid opened to the public at 10am and within minutes the whole room was packed!! It was like this for the next few hours. Then the rain came mid-morning. This didn’t dampen the enthusiasm of the crowds though. After lunch and the rain had stopped, the clouds cleared and yet again, the sun shone down on our day. The crowds increased as the droids and cosplayers from the MK Garrison were able to venture outside, which attracted more people. The area inside was arranged with the intention that the droids could be lined up, but we had that many that it was basically just cram them in wherever lol.
Here are just some of the droids, big thanks to Billy, Matt and Mike, for the use of these photos.

Our VIP for the day, was Sarah (as TC-14, silver). Of course everyone is special, but unless you have, AND wear, a Protocol Droid suit at an event, then you are a VIP!!! If you’ve worn any sort of armour/costume, you will be aware of how limiting it can be, wearing a Protocol Droid suit is this x100%. Apart from having to fit yourself into one, the face [head] is an extremely tight fit with very limited vision AND it can feel very claustrophobic! Both Sarah & Chris (C-3P0), were in attendance last year at Celebration Europe 2023 as well as other Club attended events.

Chris & Helen displayed 3D printed items displayed (below).

Mike had a special something for our Glynn, showing nearly all his droids.

The other side of the event was Droid MOT testing. A few renewals and two new initial MOT’s.
James F did R2-B00’s, built by farther and son.

And the second initial MOT, was carried out by Mr Lee Towersey. This was a club first as well, for the droid, not Lee doing an MOT lol.

Checkout the video of B2-EM0 in action as well as the rest of the day via James R5-D4 YouTube channel.
Congratulations to both builders on passing their MOT’s and being added to the ever-expanding community of Droids.
Next up was the lucky dip which had some amazing prizes up for grabs & raised more than the two collection buckets put together!! There was Lego sets, posters, hats, t-shirts, keyrings, books and lots more. Big thanks to Clare and Mark.
The crowds didn’t abate, and the sunshine just attracted more. Thanks to Helen and Sara for donation bucket duties, as well as parking organisers xx
Loads of positive comments from the public and lots of questions asked about droid building.
Including £100 via online donations
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Big thanks to all the builders who gave up (in some cases their whole weekend) to attend the event.

It was great to see everyone again and to welcome new faces. Group photo from end of the day of course. Nik, Matt, Jamie, Shaun, Mark, Clare, Emma, Andrew, Doug, Phil, Chris, Lee, John, Chris W, Paul, Sarah (TC-14), Loz, Dale, Andy, Helen, Ashleigh, Chris O, Susie, Glynn, lan. (some are missing from photo as had long travelling to do)